Anti Love Song

`Cos I know how you are
Sure you say you`re right on and your righteous, girl
Come with me, I know you`d be right off
`Cos I know you could possess my body,
I know you could make me crawl,
And just as hard as I fall for you girl,
Well you know you would fall for me harder
That`s why I don`t want to love you

`Cos I know what you would do to my heart
You scourge me like a hot iron,
Leave me whining all alone in the dark,
`Cos I know that you would make me suffer
I know that you would drive me wild (that`s right) wild
You would take me in a circle
And when it gather you, I know you`d disappear
That`s why I don`t wanna` love you

Twee kanjers:
Skin van Skunk Anansie en Lenny Kravitz met het nummer Anti Love Song.

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